Our programs are...

A Space For You To Grow, Lead By Squiggly Creative Brand Builder Kelsey McCormick.

Launch Your Own Way

Take Your Sales To The Stratosphere

You’re a service provider struggling to find your rhythm of marketing your business. You have all the skills and services, but how do you translate them to sales? It’s time to 3, 2, 1 launch them to the world wide web and beyond so you can give your offers a moment to shine.

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Grow Your Own Brand

You're One Season Away From Your Next Superbloom

Grow Your Own Brand is the only course where squiggly creative entrepreneurs go deep on their vision and create a thriving Offer Garden. Over 12 weeks, we’ll weed out the BS and start blooming in the direction you desire. The best part — I’ll be right beside you while you grow.

Rosebuds Hivemind

Become The Go-To Expert In Your Arena

The Rosebuds Hivemind is an 8-week group program that will take you from digital echo chamber to the star of your own arena. A chance to increase your reach, solidify your authority, and be known beyond the scroll as the top-of-mind expert in your niche.

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Create Your Marketing Map

Watch our FREE launch planning workshop for creative entrepreneurs where you’ll learn how to plot and plan a year of your offers + marketing campaigns 🚀